My Google+ profile was reinstated last night after a week's suspension. I'm not sure why it was turned back on. They may have reviewed my email appeal and decided that its logic was sound. Maybe the rewrite of my profile's introduction convinced them of my legitimacy. Beats me! Since I received no notification other than the removal of the suspension notice from my profile, it's still a mystery. I don't know if Google made an overall (still unannounced) policy change to accept documented internet identities, or whether a new reviewer just had a different personal point of view.
In any case, I'v'e made it through the gauntlet of those who wish to exorcise the pseudonymous from the Google+ community. And I will continue to help publicize the issue until they formally change their policy and stop shunning those of us with pseudonymous identities.
You can find an updates list of news and opinions related to the issue on my #plusgate site.
Perhaps it was the slaughtered lamb's blood you dabbed over your metaphorical house...
right on. me too!
Your real name is known, though, if memory serves.
Miso: Well, I am the first born . . .
Wizzy: Did you change anything or get feedback related to why they changed their initial ruling?
Chuck: It is. Many people who are known virtually by a pseudonym have an open connection to a more conventional human identity.
First, this kind of "you're okay, you're not okay, you're okay, you're not okay" makes me think someone there is plucking petals from a flower. Botgirlq loves me... she loves me not. It's very frustrating to not have any kind of feeling of stability with an account you hope to invest time and effort in advancing socially. Knowing that they could once again pluck another petal and say "she loves me not".
Second, this may just be a case of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease." I wonder for every botgirl reinstatement, how many nyms get the axe?
Which leads me to the third thing... that unless they have a significant policy change, we will never know.
Same thing happened to me. I was suddenly back, no explanation. Makes me nervous. Still pissed at Google until they speak up about doing wrong.
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