Friday, October 17, 2008

The Top Ten Signs Your Virtual Identity Has Taken Over

  1. You'd rather have a 3-way with Codie and Gabby than with Brad and Angelina
  2. When asked if you've ever read Hamlet, you say NWN is your favorite blog
  3. You spell hot "hawt"
  4. When your RL date returns from the restroom, you say "Welcome Back!"
  5. The first email and social networking accounts you check each day are your avatar's
  6. Even your alt gets laid more than your human
  7. You have more photos of your avatar on Flickr than of your RL kids
  8. Your avatar has more shoes in her inventory than Imelda Marcos had in her closet
  9. The real estate crisis that keeps you up at night is mainland property down to $3L per meter
  10. The election you're following most closely is the race for Top Ten Hot Male Avatar


Angie McGregor-Pearse said...

*looking down the list, checking each one* ... Yes, yes, yes, yes, yesyesyesyes ... "Wait! I need more shoes!"

Shockwave Plasma said...

Yes yes yes yes to all.

Dale Innis said...

Only 5 out of 10! I feel inadequately immersed! :)

Camilla said...

How did you know?!!

Anonymous said...

You forgot "Sitting at RL family dinner and you say "Laugh out Loud" instead of laughing. oh yes, I really did.... I'm certainly doing my best to out-Imelda Imelda :)

Alicia Chenaux said...

Oh my god, I tell people "Welcome back!" all the time now. I get some strange looks, but some just think I'm being really polite.

Honour McMillan said...

oh dear - I need counselling! Better make that group counselling. :)