Although the dwelling is a work in progress for her, it's a beautiful and happy place even in an unfinished state. After positioning the building, I ran out for a few essentials such as art, and then added some movie posters and a bed from inventory. In honor of Harper's birthday, these images are posted here with no retouching other than cropping.

Run for the hills, Botgirl has been sucked in to hanging posters of robots! Where will the Extropian cultism end? ^_^
It's lovely to have you around, Botgirl. I hope I can do you proud with the new home... or at least, more proud than a bit of an embarassing home might make you, held together as it is with hastily nailed-in plywood or something. :P
Oooh, yet another temptation to go inworld when I should be doing other things! :) Welcome again to the neighborhood.
sweet! looks like my kind of place too ;) will check it out next time i'm in-world! thanks!
Oo, I love the poster of the hanging torso. Is there a store for hanging robot posters? :)
Lunette Fouroux
vidal: thank for getting me hooked up!
dale & c4chaos: please come and visit
Lunette: It's called :)
I will have to stop by and say hi (and stop being as shy there as I am in my 1st life).
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