Friday, January 2, 2015

Where I've been for the past two months and my plans for 2015

I can barely believe I haven't posted here in two months. I thought it had just been a few weeks. Time flies, at least in retrospect. For those of you who've noticed my absence, all is well. I've been spending more of my free time hanging out with family. My reduced creative time has been devoted to work published under other identities, including my wallet name.  I've had a few articles posted in commercial publications like Wired Magazine's Innovation Insights, Computer World and Federal Computer Week. I've played around with a micro-sitcom video series. Finally, although I hate to admit it, I've been on the consumption side of the consume/create cycle, reading tons of fiction and binge watching TV and online series.

My main plan for Botgirl in 2015 is to work on a novel that's been simmering for the past six years. The Botgirl Questi identity was created through a vision of her waking up in a virtual world without knowing who she was or how she got there. I'm taking that basic premise as a key plot point in a post-apocalyptic science fiction novel set in the not too distant future. I'll post here from time to time as inspiration strikes, but I'm committed to focusing most of my creative energy on the book. Since I've never written anything longer than 10,000 words, it's going to be a great challenge for my Attention Deficit Disordered mind. Wish me luck! 


Skate said...

You go! We need novels incorporating Virtual Worlds (besides SnowCrash & ReadyPlayerOne) You're def the one to do it. Look forward to reading your novel, good luck!

Botgirl Questi said...

Thanks! I can use it.

Cecil Hirvi said...

OK so you say you will write a book. Writing is hard.

I will lose any respect for you if you do not write this book.

I mean it.

How do ike that for positive reinforcement?

Cecil Hirvi said...

How do you like that...

Sinjin Cooperstone said...

Good luck and don't be a stranger!

Botgirl Questi said...

Cecil: I like it just fine. Maybe I'll write you into the book.

Sinjin: Thanks. And I won't.

Unknown said...

You have the talent. You have the creative imagination. It will be hard work. Good luck. I look forward to BUYING your book.

Cinthia said...

While you're reading, have you read "WINDUP GIRL"? Good luck with your novel. I can hardly wait to read it!

Botgirl Questi said...

Ed: Thanks. I'm only about 4000 words in and it's already presented challenges I never encountered in shorter mediums. But it's fun and interesting so far. Lots to figure out. I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops.

Botgirl Questi said...

Cinthia: I always meant to read that, and actually read the sample chapters on Kindle, but never went further. I'll check it out again.

This book is shaping up to feel like a kick-ass female protagonist Urban Fantasy novel, in a science fiction rather than a magical setting. My aim is to deliver a fun page-turner versus a more series work.

Anonymous said...

You'll do great, and I say that without intending to add any pressure. Writing a book is no easy task, but you can do it for sure. Can't wait to read it!! And very glad to hear all is well! :) Happy New Year!

Botgirl Questi said...

Michele: Thanks. It's been a really interesting process so far, very different than writing the short fiction I'm used to. I have the structure in place, which rotates between a "present time" first person and 3rd person omniscient that start about 100 years before. Although the setting in the present sections is a virtual world, it's a plot vehicle and interesting setting for the underlying mystery/thriller rather than the central theme of the book. Instead of exploring themes I've focused on in the past, such as virtual world identity, this is more a mass market cross between cyberpunk and urban fantasy.

Pep said...

Kickass female protagonists are so Noughties. Make the hero an androgyne who is anti-physical-violence, but pro-mental-suasion.

Pep (Or maybe your kfp could have a mentalist minion...)

Botgirl Questi said...

Pep: Maybe next time. ;) Truth is, I love the genre I'm writing in and taking the advice to write the kind of book you'd love to read.

Cecil Hirvi said...
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Cecil Hirvi said...
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