Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Death of My Wit

Reports of the death of my wit have been greatly exaggerated. Well, maybe not greatly. Sometimes it’s hard to tell. Audience feedback can be confusing. Like I was really smug about this one dude complementing me on being pithy, until I realized he had a bad lisp. Awkward, right?

There is nothing free of cliché. There is nothing completely clichéd. So I need to keep digging deeper or shut the hell up. I shouldn't take pride in the inspiration behind my art. It's a gift. My wee contribution is just in the doing.

As my Muse says, "Go create something little monkey! Yes! you can. When? Now. Why? Because something inside you is longing to be born." I just hope it's not an alien trying to eat its way out of my liver.

P.S. The image on the left is from the Getty Open Content Collection, an amazing resource of more than 10,000 images from the J. Paul Getty Museum and the Getty Research Institute.


Unknown said...

Your wit is sharp as ever. In case you haven't checked it out yet, there are more open source images on the Flickr Commons

Burhop said...

Agrees with Savoree. I'm pretty sure your wit will outlive you.

Botgirl Questi said...

Savoree: Thanks! The Flickr Commons is great. The Library of Congress also has a massive collection.

Mark: Given my recent brush with mortality, I have to agree with you.