Saturday, November 16, 2013

Murder or Suicide

I've been thinking of virtual friends who've disappeared over the years and decided to repost this 100 Word Story from 2010.
Murder or Suicide?

"Was it murder or suicide?" I asked, as much to myself as to my new alt (who was who knows where at the other end of the conversation.)

"Don't be so dramatic" Majic replied, "For all we know she's sitting on a beach somewhere sipping  a  cold drink."

"Well, she's vanished off the face of the multiverse without a clue," I typed with staccato clicks. "So she's as good as dead here."

"That's a narcissistic way to look at it, isn't it?" Majic half-teased.

"Maybe," I sighed, gazing into space. "Which is why I ask, Was it murder or suicide?"

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