If you're using Firefox or Chrome, my Cloud Party island should be loading in the frame above.
Although it's just in early beta, Cloud Party is well on its way to doing the one critical thing that has eluded Second Life: Make virtual worlds as easy to casually access as the rest of the web.
Have you ever tried to entice one of your physical world friends or colleagues to check out an event in Second Life? I've had absolutely no success. The time and brain damage required to register, download the software, install it on a machine and go through the requisite learning curve is far beyond the value of attending an art show, musical performance or other event.
In the past week I've had more than a dozen virtual world nubes try Cloud Party. I sent them a link. They clicked. A minute later they were in. I tested a blog embed this morning and it worked perfectly for most people. The only thing missing for me is the ability to authenticate with something other than Facebook, which is one of the features on their development list. Once Cloud Party supports pseudonymous identity, adds a marketplace and matures their feature set a bit, I think they're going to fulfill the market potential that Second Life never lived up to.
i logged into Cloud Party with my pseudonymous Facebook profile. no problemo.
Wonder if they'll get any kid-avs there, and what the reaction will be to virtual kids who aren't really RL kids. :)
What kind of virtual world doesn't have ferrets?
I logged in, linking to my RL Facebook account (which I generally hate doing; at least it let me specify that the spam it posts to my Facebook whatever will be visible only to me!), and it was pretty cool! Nice motion model, no lag, instant, building, wildly SL-like controls and building tools, scripts immediately lookatable (and a scripting language that looks just as quirky and weird and adhoc as LSL!).
So I'm pleased. :) Not sure that it has anything that could lure me away from SL now that I am there, and I suspect if they're successful they'll have serious scaling problems, but hey! Fun stuff.
Wizzy: Thanks for dropping by. It was fun!
Nomad: I've never really given that issue any thought. Off the top of my head, I'd guess that if there's nothing like the SL mainland, each sim owner will make their own decisions about what's appropriate.
Argent: Good point.
Dale: It's been fun for me too. It will be interesting to see how it evolves.
What was troubling was that Cloud Party did automatically open in that window and I was automatically logged in. What if I had not wanted to? How do I log out rather than leaving this blog?
I see this as a problem. I should always be given the option as to whether or not I want to enter Cloud Party. It should not be automatic.
I agree. This embed isn't something Cloud Party provided. I just did a little hack to embed a window from the url that launches the site.
I *believe* if you aren't logged into Facebook, you aren't automatically logged into CP.
I was not logged into Facebook and I was automatically logged into Cloud Party.
One of the features you demo plainly lets people embed CP in a webpage. That is the closest I've seen to traditional VRML for a long time. And then, even VRML required at least a plug-in for the browser. BAM, no plug-ins or client apps. I am going to be conservative on this, because if they create an economy that is real world tradeable, SL and the open sim movement are going to face serious challenges.
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