Friday, May 18, 2012

Where's the new frontier?

previously recorded

The image above is a visualization of a tweet from June 2010. It really did get posted when I was sleeping, courtesy of the Tweetr iPhone application. The idea of time shifting social network posts was pretty novel at the time. Tweets were assumed to be real-time spontaneous expressions.

Disclosing my gag wasn't just the punch line. It was also a McLuhan inspired probe into social media's Borg-like assimilation of prior mediums for content. This 1982 commercial addresses the similar shift from live to pre-recorded television.

Buffer launched in January 20ll with the headline, "Want to tweet while you sleep?"  Today, tweet queuing is well on its way to becoming commonplace.

So where's the new frontier?

1 comment:

sororNishi said...

We are all time travelers...