Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I'll match SecondLie's contribution to Relay For Life and challenge his fans to do the same

For every "Love" click on this mySL entry in April 2012, SecondLie will contribute a penny to Relay For Life, up to 10,000 Loves ($100US). I'm going to match his contribution and challenge you to do the same.

For the past four years, @SecondLie's Twitter stream has been a non-stop roast of emerging news about Linden Lab and Second Life. If I had a penny for every time I laughed out loud over the course of his 13,000+ tweets, I'd be coughing up a lot more than $100. If you've enjoyed them as much as me, stop your freeloading, kick in some cash and post how much you'll match in a comment here . . . $10 . . . $25 . . . $100 . . . or even a multiple!

In any case, take the time to add your love click. Help make sure that SecondLie empties out his virtual piggy bank and finally does something "constructive" before he walks off into the virtual sunset.

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