Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Human Counterpart is Ditching Me For This Year's VWBPE Presentation

Last year, fourworlds and I gave the opening keynote at the Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education (VWBPE) conference. The topic was "Virtual Identity". If you missed it, it starts at about 5:00 in the video below:

This year, fourworlds is ditching me and will give a solo presentation at the event. Good luck, right?

"The Art of Micro-Story from Tweet to Machinima" will explore some of the innovative ways ultra-short form mediums are being used for storytelling and creative expression, including:
  • Head Injury Theater – Slice of life tweets from a woman caring for two teen daughters, a sister with cancer and a mother with a head injury
  • The Virtual Court Jester – Razor sharp parody echoing emerging virtual world news 
  • Deep Tweets – A machinima series based on social network posts
  • 100 Word Stories – A weekly challenge inspiring written word, voice performance, comics and videos
  • Micro-Rants – A series of thematic social network posts published over the course of a day
The presentation is scheduled for Saturday March 17 from 3- 4 pm PST at VWBPE Central in Second Life.


May O. Mingzi said...

I don't think the presentation will be nearly as impressive without you, but I suppose one must always be open to new things. Hope to connect with you in-world or on Twitter one of these days!

Whiskey Monday said...

That head injury theater sounds sketchy. Wish I could be there! And thanks for the huge compliment.

p.s. pretty sure your cpatcha just called me a skank in Vietnamese.

R. said...

Good luck with it!
