Monday, January 30, 2012

Short Attention Span Theater

I've been impressed as hell recently by Soror Nishi's laser-focused work on her RL sculpture project. Week after week she pursues her vision braving toxic fumes, molten bee's wax and the quest for a perfect egg sculpt.

Although I'm still plugging away on my own atomic world project, I've been a lot more prone to distraction. The dozens and dozens of action figure, toys and dolls laying around my "work" area keep whispering little ideas into my ear and stealing my attention. "It's okay," they say. "It will only take a few minutes."

Of course, a few minutes turns into a few hours. Oh well. It's the journey, right? Here's the latest little ADD gem, made with V.I.K.T.O.R., a fun new automated video editing program for the iPhone.


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