Thursday, August 4, 2011

A 100 Word Story Inspired by 1984 and Google+

Goddess of Perpetual Memory 
Up until our Great New Age, it was truly dust to dust. Precious human life was lost as it was lived. Unseen. Unshared. Unremembered. 
We were lonely, fragmented souls separated by time and space. Worshipping the isolation that damned us to oblivion. 
She did not watch over us then. 
Today we are transparent. Open. Exposed. Nothing hidden. Nothing withheld. Nothing forgotten. We sacrifice our privacy on the altar of pervasive surveillance and are born into eternal life. We weave the thread of our individuality into the perpetual memory of the collective cloud. Blessed be She. And let us say, Amen.


Learn more about 100 Word Stories


sororNishi said...

Social Media, a plethora of posthumously perpetually preserved platitudes.

Botgirl Questi said...

You are so alliterative!

Joey1058 said...

"We weave the thread of our individuality into the perpetual memory of the collective cloud."

What caught my attention was the term Collective Cloud. There is a site called that bandies about concepts of collectivism in abstract, based on current tech news.

While there is clear evidence of pressure to conform, I have no fear of the short-sightedness of it's leaders. Perhaps a collective is forming. But as long as there is individuality, there will be no fear of being absorbed. You, Botgirl Questi, single-handedly if necessary, will lead your resistance cell as long as you have not given in to the despair of conformity.