Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Crap + Prokofy Proves Hamlet's FOC Theory

Crap's Influences
I was initially skeptical of Hamlet's contention that a Fetid Outer Core (FOC) of disgruntled community members were responsible for dooming Second Life. But statistics don't lie. And this graphic from objective third-party analyst Klout clearly proves that "Thought Leader" Mr. Crap Mariner is influenced by three of the most vocal critics of Linden Lab and Second Life: Prokofy Neva, Bettina Tizzy and Mitch Wagner.

This shocking new evidence reveals that so-called arch-enemies Crap and Prokofy are actually in a secret Linden-hating web of change resistance. Hopefully, this incontrovertible evidence will silence naysayers once and for all and move the Silent Majority to resist the siren song of the FOC.


R. said...




Anonymous said...

We're only silent because it would be rude to protest with chants of "FOC OFF"

Raven Haalan said...

Hahahhahahhhahaha! *stops, draws deep wheezy breath* BWAHahahahhahah!

sororNishi said...

/me grins.

Rhianon Jameson said...

Crap and Prok. Frenemies. Dammit, I thought I left junior high a long time ago.

Miso Susanowa said...

Wow. Just wow. I am in awe at this stunning analysis that goes so far beyond my own worming to the Fetid Inner Corpse. So now we know both Inner and Outer cores of the whole apple are rotten.

Except... I thought the FIC and the FOC were the creations of Professorette Neva - could the Hamster be vulnerable to a DMCA takedown notice?

I have no doubt of these factoids, as they were accompanied by such an obviously-professional and stunning web 2.0 Powerpoint kind of thingie. Incredible!

Skylar Smythe said...




iliveisl said...

Prok is secretly the CEO of Habbo Hotel and has been trying to bring LL down from day one . . .

Niko Donburi said...

Oh, I definitely need to write a song about this!

Anonymous said...

Yah know, I used to hang around Conspiracy websites a lot and read them and study them. I'd rank this a B+ on the scale. Not quite up there with David Icke and his Lizards, but better than half the blurry "I took a UFO picture today!!". (chuckle)

Mera Kranfel said...

This is so upsetting! Poor mr Mariner lying under a magnifier like this. Totally "nekkid" to the world! =O

Wizzy Gynoid said...

i'm so upset. i totally thot crap was influenced by me. i guess he's been ignorning me all this time.

Botgirl Questi said...

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!