I've been playing around with embedding the clichéd concept of a missing person milk carton into a context related to the avatar disappeared. I'm just part of the way through the visual thinking, but wanted to share a few preliminary images and provide a window into my working process
The first image embeds a non-realistic carton into a professionally photographed RL kitchen. The second injects a somewhat ambiguously human/avatar Botgirl into the work, contemplating the carton.
I have a couple more iterations envisioned which I'll share here later this week. For now, if you click through to Flickr, you can see the high resolutions versions that reveal the photographic feel of the works.
Very funny way of brining light to the flakiness of avatars in second life, with people just vanishing all the time. This sudden collapsing of so many avatars is the most frustrating part of Second Life.
Yeah, it's one reason why there aren't more joint business ventures, the trust mechanisms of RL aren't there.
Though if you ever need another shoe obsessed fashionista. :-)
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