Saturday, November 7, 2009

New Video Concept at Play With Fourth Wall

This video was created as my third update to the Second Life 365 Flickr Group. It's a project started by Chestnut Rau. Participants post a self-portrait a day for a year. Although it first struck me as a group for photo-happy narcissists, it now seems like a great way to deconstruct the elements that go into one's virtual identity and transcend them (if only by the virtue of escaping from the sheer boredom of a daily pic.)

Anyway, my human collaborator had been messing around using an iPhone to video tape Second LIfe from a laptop screen. This version was created by shooting a projected image along with the shooter's shadow. The machinima (still call it that?) is just a fast experimental sketch, but we we have more planned in the future, including using a better camera, lighting, coherant narrative, etc.

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