Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Step into the Avatar Transformer if you dare

Avatar Transformer

If you don't think you're identified with your avatar then I dare you – I double dare you – to step into the Avatar Transformer at Botgirl's Identity Circus.

Avatar Transformer Sign

Zada Zenovka took what I thought was an NPSL idea I've been toying with for months and figured out how to make it work.

Avatar Transforme Sign

For all humanity's diverse experimentation with avatar forms, it is one thing to step into a new look that you choose; quite another to spin the wheel and take whatever comes your way. UnezzedRuth or LittleHobbit. AndiyAndrogyny or BettyBimbette.

Avatar Transformer: Pat and Floozie

Give it a try before your next social engagement and then show up in a random form. See what it feels like. If you dare.

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Dale Innis said...

First Post! :)

The Transformer was great fun; it helped alot that lots of other people were trying it at the same time. The first time I went around as a shiny sphere I found it really depressing and lonely (I was surprised how much!) until someone else asked for the AV and wore it and then we were two spheres dancing with each other. Then it was fun!

Okay, so I'm social...

Kanomi said...

I see my expensive underwears somewhere in this post!

I must say for an avataradonna like me, the transformo-tent was frightening!