Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Google Jumps on Botgirl's Comic Bandwagon

Okay, maybe Google's choice to introduce their new browser with a comic had nothing to do with my shining examples Just Leap in Review, Botgirl vs. Human Comics and other narratives on this blog. But it seems to me it's a good indication that the comic form is becoming an acceptable means of mainstream business and marketing communication.

Scott McCloud, who authored the Google Comic, helped inspire me to get started creating comics through a number of his books on the art of reading, writing and drawing them.

Another inspiration for my move into graphic-oriented work was Dave Gray, who teaches that anyone with the art skills of a five year old can become an effective visual communicator.

More on this and other cool topics later this week, including Avatars Gone Wild Version II. But for now, I gotta run!


Chrome said...

While it's interesting that we both happened to post on this subject this morning, we also seem to have come at it from slightly different angles.

While it's all well and good that the comic book form has reached the front offices of Google, I find myself more than a little miffed that they have co-opted my brand.

You can read my slightly tongue-in-cheek whining on the subject at chromeneversleeps dot com. Nice work, btw.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the nod Botgirl!